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Welcome to our Sister Company

Quilt Bottom Jeans

 - Repurposing Beauty -

Here at Quilt Bottom Jeans we are tapping into a new style. Seeking out quilts from across the ages, of all makes, colors, and styles. We take those beautiful makings that were once loved in the form of a blanket and turn them into something you can chose to love on your body every day. In repurposing these quilts in the form of jackets, jeans, and purses; we allow for a blanket that never left home to then be shown off in public. We give quilts a second chance to be seen, while also making you look really good in a vintage touch.


Check out our Store!

We have something for everyone! 

Everything in our store has been handpicked and sewn by our team, making sure that we deliver nothing but quality product to you!

Want to customize your own?

We all have that pair of jeans that are our favorites, why not give them a facelift? Print off the form below, fill it out, send in your jeans and we'll custom make them into some new Quilt Bottom Jeans just for you!
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